February 9th, 2016
your teen has wanted to straighten his or her teeth but has been apprehensive about proceeding with treatment due to concerns about walking around in metallic braces, they have a reason to smile. We are proud to offer Invisalign Teen, a popular choice for straightening teeth without the hassle of traditional wires and brackets. Much like Invisalign® for adults, Invisalign Teen is an alternative to metal braces and is unnoticeable when worn. Invisalign Teen moves teeth at a pace that is faster than traditional braces and is not only virtually invisible, removable and comfortable, but is also individually customized for your teenager’s mouth. And, your child will not have to worry about braces getting in the way! Invisalign Teen aligners, which are made from a smooth, lightweight clear plastic material, fit precisely on the teeth and have become a popular treatment at our office because it helps our younger patients achieve a straight, gorgeous smile without anyone noticing. We are well-aware that most teens today lead a busy lifestyle and have extracurricular activities such as athletics, school band or the school newspaper, and sometimes, they tend to lose things, including their retainers or aligners. But with Invisalign Teen, if your child happens to lose an aligner, you can simply let us know as soon as possible and we will have the aligner replaced. Here are a few frequently-asked questions about Invisalign Teen we hear from patients and parents all the time: Q: Is Invisalign Teen appropriate for my child? A: Invisalign Teen treatment is suited for patients who have lost most, if not all, of their baby teeth and have second molars at least partially erupted. We invite you to visit us for a consultation to determine whether your child is a candidate for Invisalign Teen. Q: How long will it take me to complete Invisalign Teen treatment? A: Because everyone has a unique oral anatomy, the length of treatment depends on the severity of each patient’s case and can only be determined by scheduling and coming in for your initial consultation. Q: Does Invisalign Teen really work? A: Absolutely. Much like Invisalign, Invisalign Teen is just as effective at moving teeth as traditional braces. For the treatment to truly work, however, it is critical that your teen wears his or her aligners as instructed, usually every day for between 20 and 22 hours, except for when eating, brushing, flossing, and playing sports. Q: How does Invisalign Teen work? A: Invisalign Teen works much in the same fashion as Invisalign, using a series of clear, removable, custom-made aligners to slowly move your teenager’s teeth into their desired position as 3D imaging technology maps the complete treatment, from start to finish. Each aligner contains The Blue Dot Wear Indicator, which fades when the aligner becomes worn and is ready to be changed, and provides an estimation of wear-time. You wear each aligner for about two weeks, or as recommended during your initial consultation. During this time, the aligners gradually move the teeth until they achieve the desired final position. If you have questions about Invisalign Teen, or would like to find out if your son or daughter is a candidate for orthodontic treatment using Invisalign Teen, please give us a call to learn more or schedule an initial consultation. 
July 16th, 2015
AcceleDent Aura from OrthoAccel is a simple-to-use, hands-free device designed for faster orthodontic treatment. AcceleDent Aura uses SoftPulse Technology® to speed up tooth movement. It does this by generating small vibrations, called micropulses, to gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as they are guided by your orthodontics. According to a recent study, nearly 40% of people report that they first notice a person's smile when they meet someone new. With AcceleDent, you can have your perfect new smile up to 50% faster
AcceleDent Patient Use and Care
AcceleDent from OrthoAccel is a comfortable, lightweight device that works to improve your orthodontic experience. AcceleDent uses SoftPulse Technology®, which may help your current orthodontic treatment work faster. It does this by generating small vibrations, called micropulses, to gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as they are guided by your orthodontics. These micropulses may also help to make your orthodontic experience more comfortable.
October 7th, 2014
Did you know October is National Orthodontic Health Month?
While almost 1,000 orthodontists throughout United States celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month each October, children celebrate for another reason – Halloween!
Halloween treats like caramel, nuts and more are delicious, but they can also play tricks on your orthodontic treatment. In honor of National Orthodontic Health Month, the team at Bottala Orthodontics wants to give patients a few timely tips to protect your braces and aligners and other orthodontic “appliances” while also protecting teeth from decay.
Stay away from hard, sticky, crunchy or chewy candy and snacks. These include caramel, gummies, licorice, taffy, bubblegum (even the sugarless kind) and jelly beans.
Stay away from hard-shelled peanut candies, nuts or nut-filled candies, taco chips and popcorn (especially unpopped kernels). For more information on foods you should stay away from during orthodontic treatment visit our Foods to Avoid page.
Sweets can cause cavities which means brushing and flossing are more important than ever during the Halloween season. Orthodontic patients should be especially vigilant about brushing and flossing after consuming sugary or starchy foods.
But hey there’s good news too – not all Halloween candy is off-limits! Soft chocolates, peanut butter cups or other melt-in-your-mouth varieties are still completely fine for you orthodontics!
Parents – the American Association of Orthodontists even offers orthodontic-friendly recipes for Halloween on its website athttp://www.mylifemysmile.org/pressroom.
If you want more information on Halloween candies and your braces, you can always ask us during your next visit or Contact us.
July 24th, 2014

What is the advantage of two-phase orthodontic treatment?
Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process combining tooth straightening and physical, facial changes. The purpose of two-phase treatment is to maximize the opportunity to accomplish the ideal healthy, functional, and aesthetic result that will remain stable throughout your life.
What if I put off treatment?
Putting off treatment can result in a need for more invasive treatment later in life that may not completely fix your smile. Early treatment is most effective for achieving lasting results.
Phase One
Your foundation for a lifetime of beautiful smiles
The goal of Phase One treatment is to help the jaw develop in a way that will accommodate all of the permanent teeth and improve the way the upper and lower jaws fit together. Children often exhibit early signs of jaw problems as they grow and develop. An upper jaw that is growing too much or is too narrow can be recognized at an early age. If children over the age of six are found to have this jaw discrepancy, they are candidates for early orthodontic treatment. Also, if children around the age of eight have crowded front teeth, early treatment can prevent the need to extract permanent teeth later.
- Planning now can save your smile laterChildren benefit tremendously from early-phase treatment. Receiving early treatment may prevent the removal of permanent teeth later in life, or the need for surgical procedures to realign the jaws.
- Making records to determine your unique treatmentOrthodontic records will be necessary to determine the type of appliances to be used, the duration of treatment time, and the frequency of visits. Records consist of models of the teeth, X-rays, and photographs. During your child's initial consultation, your doctor will take records to determine if early treatment is necessary.
Resting Period
In this phase, the remaining permanent teeth are left alone as they erupt. Retaining devices may not be recommended if they would interfere with eruption. It is best to allow the existing permanent teeth some freedom of movement. A successful first phase will have created room for permanent teeth to find an eruption path. Otherwise, they may become impacted or severely displaced.
- Monitoring your teeth's progressAt the end of the first phase of treatment, teeth are not in their final positions. This will be determined and accomplished in the second phase of treatment. Selective removal of certain primary (baby) teeth may be in the best interest of enhancing eruption during this resting phase. Therefore, periodic recall appointments for observation are necessary, usually on a six-month basis.
Phase Two
Stay healthy and look attractive
The goal of the second phase is to make sure each tooth has an exact location in the mouth where it is in harmony with the lips, cheeks, tongue, and other teeth. When this equilibrium is established, the teeth will function together properly. Phase Two usually involves full upper and lower braces.
At the beginning of the first phase, orthodontic records were made and a diagnosis and treatment plan was established. Certain types of appliances were used in the first phase to correct and realign the teeth and jaw. The second phase begins when all permanent teeth have erupted, and usually requires braces on all the teeth for an average of 24 months. Retainers are worn after this phase to ensure you retain your beautiful smile.